BlueDEF Platinum

The idea behind BlueDEF Platinum’s additive package is to prevent harmful SCR system deposits and failures. Does it work, we shall see, I’ve not had any DEF problems with either of my trucks, however….
On a 2013 truck with a mere 71,000 miles, the owner of Truck Camper Adventure online magazine had a catastrophic SCR/DEF system failure on his fourth generation Ram/Cummins 3500 truck, with the dash warning that in 100 miles his speed would be limited to 5 mph!
The subsequent repair was $3,500! You can read his story and product introduction here:

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James Langan, November 2020

Copyright James Langan/RoadTraveler. All Rights Reserved


Peak BlueDEF Platinum


Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) filling made easier

Filling the diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) tanks on my 2014 and 2017 Fourth Generation Ram/Cummins 2500 trucks is sometimes problematic, the DEF filler necks don’t swallow the reductant as well as fuel tanks gulp diesel. It’s worse on the ’17, which has an aluminum flatbed mounted with much less filler neck fall, however filling the DEF tank on the unmodified 2014 crew cab can also be a fiddly, messy hassle. Similar complaints in online forums confirm that plenty of folks have been challenged and frustrated by the design of pickup truck DEF systems.

The videos tell the rest of the story, but I may have found an inexpensive solution, a well designed DEF jug nozzle made by Motorcraft.

Motorcraft DEF filler on

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