This is WAGAN Tech’s BRITE-NITE LED Dome Lantern, the rechargeable USB version, which has high, low, and flashing modes. Just during the initial fondling and photos I was impressed with this bright, little light. It exudes quality, and can be employed in several ways using the powerful magnets (portable, wireless rock light?), or the built-in swiveling hooks. My intended initial primary use is as an interior cab light, to augment the one, only fair, centered OE dome light in my 2014 Ram Tradesman.
After more use, a detailed review is planned. My upcoming monthlong adventure to the Canadian Arctic should help it get a proper break-in.
WAGAN is new accessory company to me, discovered recently when I bought their SlimLine 1500 inverter to power an electric heater in my camper while underway. They make lots of cool stuff!
Resource: WAGAN.com, 800-231-5806
Copyright James Langan/RoadTraveler. All Rights Reserved.